Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) is a Linux-based operating system from Red Hat designed for businesses. RHEL can work on desktops, on servers, in hypervisors or in the cloud. Red Hat and its community-supported counterpart, Fedora, are among the most widely used Linux distributions in the world.

Red Hat Enterprise Linux has multiple variants, with server versions for x86, x86-64, PowerPC, Itanium and IBM System z. It also includes desktop versions for x86 and x86-64. Being a Linux distribution, Red Hat Enterprise Linux contains the Linux kernel as well as some applications for performing certain tasks. Like all Linux distributions, RHEL is open source. Thus, people can view its source code, download it and make their own customized versions.
Some of the notable Linux distros that are actually derived from RHEL include CentOS, Oracle Enterprise Linux, Scientific Linux and Pie Box Enterprise Linux
One-click launch
Easy configurable AMI with pre-installed RHEL8
Kindly click on the below link to install the server via AWS Marketplace:
Step 1. Connect to SSH
In a terminal window, use the ssh command to connect to the instance. You specify the user name for your instance, and the public DNS name or IPv6 address for your instance, the path and file name of the private key (.pem).
ssh ec2-user@publicIP -i [Path of key pair file]
If it shows access denied message run the following command , then run the above command again to connect via ssh.
chmod 400 [Path of key pair file]