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Apache OpenMeetings Package by IOanyT Innovations - Ubuntu22.04

Updated: Jun 20, 2022


Apache Openmeetings provides video conferencing, instant messaging, white board, collaborative document editing and other groupware tools using API functions of the Red5 Streaming Server for Remoting and Streaming. used for presenting, online training, web conferencing, collaborative whiteboard drawing and document editing, and user desktop sharing. The product is based on Red5 media server, HTML5 and Flash which in turn are based on a number of open source components.

Communication takes place in virtual "meeting rooms" which may be set to different communication, security and video quality modes. The recommended database engine for backend support is MySQL. The product can be set up as an installed server product, or used as a hosted service.


  1. One-click launch

  2. Easy configurable AMI with pre-installed Apache OpenMeetings


Kindly click on the below link to install the server via AWS Marketplace:


Open Meetings implements the following features:

  • Audio communication

  • Video conferencing

  • Meeting recording

  • Screen sharing

  • Collaborative document editing

  • Chat and white boarding

  • User and room management

  • Mobile client for Android

  • no encryption protocol, end to end etc

Step 1. Enable Ports on Instance

Enable the port 5080 on the instance

Step 2. Start the Apache OpenMeetings Server

Perform the below steps to enable the Apache OpenMeetings on the server,


Click on '>' to proceed

Click on Finish to proceed

Click on '>' to proceed

Click on '>' to proceed

Click on '>' to proceed

DB Host - localhost

DB port - 3306

DB User - openmeetings

DB password - openmeetings

Click on 'Check' button to check if database connectivity is correct

Click on '>' to proceed

Click on 'Enter the Application' link to start the Apache OpenMeetings



Let’s Work Together

IOanyT Innovations Pvt. Ltd.


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